Thanks for contacting HCM with your health concern and following is the symptomwise approach:
1. If there is acute discomfort:
- Soap water enema with 500 ml soap water or glycerine syringe [30 ml]
2. If there is no acute discomfort:
Liquid paraffin 30 ml at bed time or tablet Dulcolax 2 tablet at bed time
- If not effective castor Oil:15-30 ml early morning
3. If there is local pain at anus: kindly seek an opinion of
General surgeon to exclude causes like:
- Painful fissure
- perianal abscess
4. If acute
constipation is accompanied by colicky pain in abdomen, abdominal distension or
vomiting suspect
intestinal obstruction and refer early to surgeon [if any possibility is there, do not take enema or strong purgatives like castor oil]
5. If all the examination is normal then:
- more roughage in diet
- regular walking and abdominal muscles exercises
- drink more water
- avoid tobacco chewing
- Triphala churan,Kayam Churan [ayurvedic preparations] are very useful
PS. avoid use of same laxatives for month